Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A note on the slideshow below....

To make it bigger ( the slide show of course ) --simply put your mouse over it, once a hand appears double click. Its that easy..( No I don't work for Staples... rather I am a slave to a domineering overbearing pug who insists I spend all my time and money catering to him. But--that's a PUG!)
Since Chandler takes a vested interest in all things blog related, he thought he would pass along the info that he is now legal. Yes--the shame of it..his "boy" did not have current tags for him. He was caught today. He was a felon ! But all is now fixed, and he is once again a legal pug, enjoying the freedom of all HRM. Chandler would like to send a Woof out to all, to remind everyone that animal control is in the park, and they are handing out tickets. Please make sure your tags are current. You can apply for a new license or renew your old one at any vet. All they need is proof of neuter or spay. Otherwise you will pay an additional fee.


  1. I also heard last night at the park that Brian (Wally, Maggie, and Griffin's Dad) got three tickets for having his dogs in the ON-leash area while the dogs were off leash. Close to $1,000 in fines (I expect $344 for each dog). The city is certainly trying to get as much money as they can from the park so be aware!


  2. Nice pictures, Sandra - and a great job of cleaning up the park. Good to see a community effort, and the "community blog". I don't get down there too often anymore, I'm living in Brookfield, and go to the Truro dogpark (a new and really planned park - Siska loves it!) Keep up the good work!
    - Marian - Siska's Mom -
