Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grrrs & Nips !!

The park is getting dirty once more. I have picked up a number of "presents" that didn't belong to Chandler, as have a number of other people. That's a good thing. Big Snort and Woof for all those who are doing more than their bit ( and there are a lot of you ) But...there is still that contingent who believes that there is a magic poop fairy who will swoop down from the heavens and immediately vaporize their dog's deposits turning them into precious gems. If you see this happening.. Please walk over to these people, hand them a poop bag, and nicely point out where their dog has fertilized the grass. If you need to, explain that the city does not pick up, and that if everyone does not do their share we will lose the park. If that doesn't work explain that there is a fine that can be levied for this sort of behavior. If they are still rude, Chandler says you have his permission to Bark and Grrr at them, even chase them away !
On another note, when you see the garbage cans are getting full, call HRM and ask them to send a crew to empty them. The number is 490-4000. The switchboard is answered up to 9 at night I believe. (I am sure if I am wrong, Maddy's Mom will correct me. )

Chandler & I have been on vacation for a week, but we are back, so many apologies for the lack of updates.


  1. Thanks Chandler and Mom! Any idea when the new signs are going to be put up in the park? Anyone heard anything from HRM?

  2. they are working on them and once they are done I will get a call to meet the gentleman who doing them so we can walk the park to put them up in the right places.

